Friday, October 9, 2009

That's My Quarterback!

Every Batman needs a Robin.
Vinny Chase is nothing without his boy E.
Steve Young depended on Jerry Rice to make the Hall of Fame.

So as I embark on this journey into the Blogosphere world I am happy to have JP along for the ride. Is he the hardest worker? Doubtful. Could I have started the 5YC on my own? Maybe. Would it have been as fun? Well, anyone who knows Joe understands that the big man lives for that three-letter word. So no, it definitely wouldn’t have been as fun.

But the best thing about a partner is you don’t really have to like them. Just have to tolerate them.

And why Joe you ask?

I’ll let T.O. tell you! (20 seconds into the clip)

1 comment:

  1. Hi this question is for Chad. I was just wondering what 3 letter word we were referring to when talking about Joe's purpose for life?
